OpenEMR | Portable EMR

OpenEMR Portable EMR Software

The world’s first HIPAA compliant secure portable EMR.
Take your patient records home with you, or lock them away at night for added security.

What is OpenEMR?
Thanks to the global efforts of physicians and developers, OpenEMR is now the most widely-distributed EMR System in the world.

OpenEMR is a modular, HIPAA compliant, Open Source, cross-platform Electronic Medical Records system (EMRS). It facilitates efficient office management through automated patient record journaling and billing integration, and has been successfully integrated with third-party technologies including speech recognition, secure wireless access, touch screen portables, and biometric authentication. Interface screens are customizable and optimized for consistency, simplicity, speed of access to patient information, and minimum eye strain. OpenEMR is based upon widely-used public standards to achieve maximum compatibility with evolving technologies. Adherence to these standards diversifies implementation possibilities through minimum hardware compatibility requirements.

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